Calculate increase in body weight

This vignette assumes a SQL server at localhost (we use PostgreSQL), with an OMOP Common Data Model v5.4 in schema cdm_new_york3 containing patient records. The patient records shown in this example are synthetic data from Synthea Patient Generator.

library(credx) # local package, contains dbConnectFort
# library(phea)
#> ℹ Loading phea

dbcon <- dbConnectFort()

# Provide the connection to Phea so we can use the sqlt() and sql0() shorthands.
setup_phea(dbcon, 'cdm_new_york3')

Say we want to find patients whose weight has increased by more than 50% in the last 2 years to 3 years. The formula for the number we want is very simple:

weight_drop = (weight_current - weight_previous) / weight_previous

If weight_drop is ever ≥0.5, that means an increase of ≥50%. But unlike in other formulas, here the component weight_previous is not the most recently available weight record for the given patient, at the given point in time.

While the record source is the same as weight_current, the component is different. When we call make_component(), we need to specify the time frame using the delay option (and optionally the window as well).

# Weight records
# Loinc 29463-7 Body weight, concept ID 3025315
weight_record_source = sqlt(measurement) |>
  filter(measurement_concept_id == 3025315) |>
    ts = 'measurement_datetime',
    pid = 'person_id')

# Most recent weight count record
weight_current = make_component(weight_record_source)

# weight count record at least 24 hours older than phenotype date, up to limit of 48 hours
weight_previous = make_component(weight_record_source,
  delay = "'2 years'::interval",
  window = "'3 years'::interval")

delay picks the most recent record that is at least as old as the specified amount of time.

window limits how old the record is allowed to be.

Both are expressed in SQL language, including the automatic parsing, by the server, of terms such as '2 years', '2.5 hours', '1 week', etc.

If no such record exists for the patient, at the given point in time, the value is NULL.

Adding patient age

To facilitate interpretation of our phenotype, let us add the age of the patient in the results. We create a component from table PERSON using birth_datetime as the timestamp.

age_component <- sqlt(person) |>
    ts = 'birth_datetime',
    pid = 'person_id')

When you supply a lazy table to make_component(), it silently creates a record source from it, then uses that record source to create a component. You must provide varibales .ts e .pid for that.

Calculate the phenotype

Armed with the components, we call calculate_formula():

phen <- calculate_formula(
  components = list(
    person = age_component,
    weight_current = weight_current,
    weight_previous = weight_previous),
  fml = list(
    patient_age = 'extract(year from age(ts, person_birth_datetime))',
    weight_change = '(weight_current_value_as_number - weight_previous_value_as_number) /
  export = list(

Filter patients whose increase is at least 50%

The phen object is a lazy table, which means it is a SQL query. We can manipulate it to obtain only the patients that had a ≥50% increase in body weight at least once in their history.

summary_per_patient <- phen |>
  filter(weight_change >= 0.5) |> # Only rows where increase is ≥50%
  group_by(pid) |> # Group by patient ID
    # Keep timestamp of earliest increase of ≥50% for the patient
    date_at_first_50p_incr = min(ts, na.rm = TRUE),
    # Keep patient age at earliest increase of ≥50%
    age_at_first_50p_incr = min(patient_age, na.rm = TRUE)) |> 
  collect() # Execute query and download data from the server to local memory

kable(head(summary_per_patient, 6))
pid date_at_first_50p_incr age_at_first_50p_incr
5 2014-03-09 2
7 2009-03-07 2
8 2015-02-18 2
9 2018-09-20 2
15 2018-06-29 2
23 2007-05-30 2

As you can see, very young patients (kids) exhibit pairs of body weight measurements 2 to 3 years apart showing an increase of 50% or more.

Let us pick a patient at random and plot their results:

# Sample one patient at random, from among those with ≥50% weight increase at least once in their history.
sample_patient <- sample(summary_per_patient$pid, 1)
message('Sampled patient: ', sample_patient)
#> Sampled patient: 12810
# Plot the phenotype for the sampled patient.
phen |>
    -person_birth_datetime) |>
  phea_plot(pid = sample_patient,
    titles_font_size = 8)
#> Collecting lazy table, done. (turn this message off with `verbose` or `.verbose` in setup_phea())

Notice that the chart for weight_previous_value_as_number tracks weight_current_measurement_datetime, but 2-3 years behind.

Obtain the SQL query that computes the phenotype

To see the SQL query underlying the phenotype, use helper function code_shot(), or dbplyr::sql_render(), or the .clip_sql option in calculate_formula().

  (weight_current_value_as_number - weight_previous_value_as_number) /
      weight_previous_value_as_number AS "weight_change"
  SELECT *, extract(year from age(ts, person_birth_datetime)) AS "patient_age"
  FROM (
      greatest("person_ts", "weight_current_ts", "weight_previous_ts") - least("person_ts", "weight_current_ts", "weight_previous_ts") AS "window",
    FROM (
        row_number() OVER (ORDER BY "pid", "ts") AS "phea_row_id",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 389647 then "birth_datetime" else null end) OVER (PARTITION BY "pid" ORDER BY "ts" ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS "person_birth_datetime",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 389647 then "ts" else null end) OVER (PARTITION BY "pid" ORDER BY "ts" ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS "person_ts",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 980332 then "measurement_datetime" else null end) OVER (PARTITION BY "pid" ORDER BY "ts" ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS "weight_current_measurement_datetime",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 980332 then "value_as_number" else null end) OVER (PARTITION BY "pid" ORDER BY "ts" ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS "weight_current_value_as_number",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 980332 then "ts" else null end) OVER (PARTITION BY "pid" ORDER BY "ts" ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING) AS "weight_current_ts",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 980332 then "measurement_datetime" else null end) over (partition by "pid" order by "ts" range between '3 years'::interval preceding and '2 years'::interval preceding) AS "weight_previous_measurement_datetime",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 980332 then "value_as_number" else null end) over (partition by "pid" order by "ts" range between '3 years'::interval preceding and '2 years'::interval preceding) AS "weight_previous_value_as_number",
        phea_last_value_ignore_nulls(case when "name" = 980332 then "ts" else null end) over (partition by "pid" order by "ts" range between '3 years'::interval preceding and '2 years'::interval preceding) AS "weight_previous_ts"
      FROM (
          SELECT *, NULL AS "measurement_datetime", NULL AS "value_as_number"
          FROM (
              389647 AS "name",
              "person_id" AS "pid",
              "birth_datetime" AS "ts",
            FROM "cdm_new_york3"."person"
          ) "q01"
        UNION ALL
            NULL AS "birth_datetime",
          FROM (
              980332 AS "name",
              "person_id" AS "pid",
              "measurement_datetime" AS "ts",
            FROM "cdm_new_york3"."measurement"
            WHERE ("measurement_concept_id" = 3025315.0)
          ) "q02"
      ) "q03"
    ) "q04"
  ) "q05"
) "q06"